Pandemic Demands Permanent Changes at Workplaces

Key Personnel

Dilsher Singh

Sr. Manager Creatives

Pramod Sai Naik

Asst. Project Manager

Jobanjit Singh

Sr. Software Engineer

Vishal Pandey

AGM- Operations & General Management

Manjot Singh

Sr. Software Engineer

Important questions looming in the air as the office dynamics adapt to the new world order

Author: Vatandeep Singh, Manager - Marketing at SimbaQuartz
May 08, 2021 | SimbaQuartz

2020 demanded all of the business organizations to deal with the most unexpected. The bigger the organization, the greater the challenge turned-out to be. It’s been more than a year since all of us are fighting the same common  enemy in  our  work environments  i.e.,  to ensure the health, safety and distance among the employees.

However, with the passage of each day, it is becoming more and more evident that organizations would need a permanent long-term fix to this battle at hand, short term workarounds are neither going to be sustainable nor feasible. Some burning questions require thorough attention to ensure the workers not only survive but come out shining through this battle with the invisible enemy!

🤝How would the collaboration with co-workers be ensured?

The remote work experiment has  gone on for more than a year, employers around the world are now looking towards the future of the office. The vital question is how would the teams communicate? What tools will they use to do so? Employees are now expected to continue to work anywhere, anytime, and with anyone, how do they integrate such type of work into their lives?

⏰How does observation of tasks and activities take place?

Most of the organizations have realized that the productivity was actually almost higher across people working from home last year. The lack of office-based distractions has helped and so has the freedom in hands of individuals to choose how they work. The challenge here is to look for ways to give workers more choices in what they do rather than following rigid job descriptions. The KPIs of performance shall jump now from: How much is done? to: how transparent is it done?

💰Who takes care of remote work expenses?

Will every employee have the necessary infrastructure set up remotely? What about the other operating expenses such as electricity, internet consumption, etc? Placing the welfare of the employee at the heart of the organization’s decisions has always paid off. Ensuring that the employees are not burdened with additional miscellaneous costs associated with working remotely will boost up the morale and ultimately lead to better performances and results in the coming time which is projected to be full of disruption.